science communication

Begging-the-question, conjecture, anecdote, false equivalence, and a non sequitur: those five reasons for raising the Digital Age of Consent

Cormac Ryan has been tweeting about the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland and their letter to the government on the Digital Age of Consent. Its worrying that a group of medical professionals, charged with the care of children, would publicly state that they base their position on conjecture, supposition, […]

I will be attempting to “Move psychological science forward” in Nottingham on Wednesday night

But I won’t be doing so single-handedly, thank goodness. The kind folks at the British Psychological Society have asked me to be a panellist at their Fringe Event, on the opening night of their Annual Conference. I’ve got five minutes to pitch my solution to psychology’s various problems. Five minutes. […]

Jordan Peterson’s re-heated obscurantism

Nathan Robinson has written about the obscurantism of Jordan Peterson, and I’m not even the first to blog about it. Pankaj Mishra has been deconstructing Peterson’s mysticism here, while Kelefa Sanneh’s critique is here. After months of hysterical fanboy cheer-leading, it seems like this is the week everyone finally starts having […]

Right here is where you start paying. In sweat…

You want fame? Yes, it’s FameLab time again! The International FameLab Science Communication competition is returning to Galway in 2018! Book your ticket to attend the Galway Regional Heat during which participants will compete for two places in the Ireland final. Scientists from a variety of backgrounds will offer presentations […]