Tag: myalgic encephalomyelitis

Balance Scales (ca. 1940) by William

“A science that does not allow opposing opinions abolishes knowledge.” Er, kind of

Colleagues and I have responded to a paper in Der Nervenarzt, the leading German neurology journal, pointing out various reasons why its “overview” of evidence-based approaches to ME/CFS treatment lacked, well, evidence. Our critique can be read in full in English via the following Tweet (kudos to @AnilvanderZee): In summary, […]

bright bulb close up conceptual

Eight (or more) logical fallacies in that paper bemoaning the new NICE guideline for ME/CFS

“No one comes up here without a damn good reason.” * * * Regular readers will recall that I have previously written about the UK’s new healthcare guidelines for ME/CFS, as published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in 2021. Whereas the old guidance had proposed […]

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ME, Long Covid, and the History of Medical Stigma (Transcript)

Here is a transcript of my recent podcast with the Norwegian ME Association. In the interview, we discuss the medical stigma where post-viral illnesses, such as ME and Long COVID, are falsely characterised as ‘psychological’ due to poorly grounded stereotyping. The discussion touches on how medical opinion has become intertwined […]